How we Innovate

The challenges associated with the move to Net Zero as well as the transition to Distribution System Operation (DSO) emphasise the need for effective innovation. Innovation is pivotal to our ability to deliver our strategic objectives. These objectives remain at the core of this strategy in order to achieve maximum benefit to our customers.

To deliver a safe, resilient and
responsive network for all
our customers

Provide a valued trusted service
for customers and communities

Accelerate progress towards
a net zero world

Make a positive impact on society

Why we innovate

The ability to innovate and derive value from innovation is a key enabler for our business. We have long recognised the importance of innovation. Whether it be in response to external trends, the needs and expectations of our customers, or changes in regulatory and government policy, the need for innovation is critical. We innovate to:

Improve Network Reliability

  • Investigating technologies and methods of working to support network security.
  • Avoiding and reducing the impact of supply interruptions.
  • Improving safety performance for our colleagues.

Deliver value and improve service for consumers

  • Maximising savings by implementing innovative solutions as Business as Usual (BAU).
  • Adapting the services we offer to support our stakeholder needs.

Facilitate Net Zero Transition

  • Improving network access by reducing time and cost to connectlow carbon technologies, low carbon generation, and energy storage technologies.
  • Supporting the use of flexibility and the transition to DSO.
  • Enabling the uptake of electric vehicles and the electrification of heat.

Deliver measurable social, environmental and safety benefits

  • Developing new options for protecting our most vulnerable customers.
  • Reducing our carbon emissions and delivering improvements in environmental and safety performance.

We do this in partnership with our stakeholders:

  • Ensuring stakeholder needs are better understood and met via co-creation of the innovation portfolio.
  • Delivering joint projects with groups such as peer utilities, academics, and actively participating in our industry working groups.

And share our knowledge

  • Developing new knowledge and learning across all industry partners and stakeholders.


Innovation by its very nature is uncertain and needs to be delivered in an adaptive and responsive manner to meet the challenges of a dynamic and ever changing energy network.

The needs of our stakeholders and consumers will also change, especially as we move towards Net Zero. Regardless of areas of focus, all of our innovation projects follow this process:

image: How we Innovate